Program Values and Expectations

Program Values

At Rainwalk Rewild, we have always been driven by an unwavering commitment to providing exceptional outdoor education programs for both adults and children. Together, the four core values of safety, respect, quality, and true mentorship lay the groundwork for an unforgettable experience at Rainwalk Rewild. We invite you to join us as we venture into the great outdoors, forging deeper connections with nature and ourselves. Let us embark on this transformative journey together, guided by our shared values and commitment to personal growth.

  • The safety of our participants and staff is our utmost priority. We adhere to stringent safety guidelines and protocols to ensure that everyone involved in our outdoor education programs can explore and learn without compromising their well-being. We continually assess and update our safety measures to mitigate risks and create a nurturing environment where individuals can challenge themselves, while feeling protected and supported.

  • Respect is fundamental to the way we operate at Rainwalk Rewild. We believe in cultivating an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere that embraces the diversity of our participants. We honor and appreciate individual differences, fostering an environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. We encourage open dialogue, collaboration, and understanding, believing that all voices contribute to an enriching and transformative learning experience.

  • As providers of outdoor education, it is our responsibility to deliver programs of excellence. We are dedicated to offering the highest quality educational experiences that inspire lifelong connections to nature. Our programs are thoughtfully designed and implemented by experienced educators who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and love for the outdoors. We continuously review and revise our curricula to ensure that our programs meet and exceed industry standards, allowing participants to immerse themselves in educational adventures that are meaningful, engaging, and impactful.

  • Mentorship is more than just teaching; it's about building connections that empower growth. Our mentors are passionate, caring, and experienced, guiding and supporting the community. They inspire and challenge, helping others develop skills and perspectives. Through listening, empathy, and personalized guidance, they create a safe space for learning and exploration. We prioritize the profound impact of true mentorship in all we do.

“Nature, too, supports our personal blossoming (if we have any quiet exposure to her) through her spontaneities, through her beauty, power, and mirroring, through her dazzling variety of species and habitats, and by way of the wind, Moon, Sun, stars, and galaxies.”

― Bill Plotkin, Nature and the Human Soul: Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World


At Rainwalk Rewild, we hold the belief that fostering positive behavior among participants is best achieved through engaging activities that channel their energy, encourage positive interactions, and stimulate their minds and senses. Collaboration between parents or guardians and our staff is essential to ensure that experiences with Rainwalk Rewild are both enriching and enjoyable for all involved.

Commitment of Rainwalk Rewild Guides:

At Rainwalk Rewild, our commitment to our students as mentors is unwavering. We prioritize their growth and well-being through various means. Firstly, our mentors are always present and prepared, providing undivided attention and guidance during our programs. We strive to create a safe environment in which students feel comfortable expressing themselves and taking risks. Our balanced activities cater to individuals with different needs and interests, ensuring an inclusive experience. Additionally, we are constantly weather-prepared, ensuring the students' safety and comfort during outdoor excursions. Transparent communication is a fundamental aspect of our mentorship approach, as we believe in keeping our students informed about program details and expectations. We set clear behavior expectations to foster a respectful and supportive community. Confidentiality and support are also paramount to our mentor-student relationship, providing a trusting space for students to open up and seek guidance. At Rainwalk Rewild, we are dedicated to nurturing and empowering our students throughout their journey with us.

Expectations from Participants:

At Rainwalk Rewild, we set high expectations for our participants to ensure an enriching and fulfilling experience. Weather preparedness is paramount, as our programs immerse you in nature's elements. From packing appropriate clothing to being mentally prepared for changes in weather conditions, we expect our participants to prioritize their safety and well-being. Openness to new experiences is key, as we encourage stepping out of comfort zones and embracing the unknown. Engaging in a variety of activities will open doors to personal growth and self-discovery. Respect for behavior expectations is crucial, as we foster a culture of kindness and inclusivity within our community. Treating fellow participants, staff, and the environment with respect is of utmost importance. Finally, a willingness to embrace fun is encouraged. We believe that laughter and joy are vital components of the rewilding journey. So come prepared, keep an open mind, engage in diverse experiences, uphold respectful behavior, and let the adventure and fun unfold!

  • Our mentors are committed to being mentally and physically present, engaged, and adequately prepared during interactions with participants.

  • Providing a physically and emotionally safe space for participants to explore, learn, experiment, and have fun is paramount.

  • Mentors facilitate a blend of fun, creative activities that balance free exploration with structured games, catering to diverse participant interests.

  • Ensuring additional wet/cold weather gear is available to share with participants as needed.

  • Openly communicating with parents about pertinent issues arising during activities to ensure mutual understanding and support.

  • Facilitating the establishment and revisiting of behavior expectations, fostering a framework to uphold safety, engagement, and enjoyment while supporting participants in holding each other accountable.

  • Upholding confidentiality while addressing participant behavior in a supportive manner that avoids shaming.

  • Being adequately prepared for weather conditions to the best of their ability.

  • Willingness to explore and try new activities.

  • Actively participating in a diverse range of activities provided.

  • Honoring and adhering to established behavior expectations.

  • Engaging with and enjoying the experience.

Expectations from Parents or Guardians:

At Rainwalk Rewild, we strongly believe in the power of clear and effective communication between parents, guardians, and children. We recognize the importance of communicating child expectations to ensure a mutual understanding of goals and outcomes. As such, we encourage open and honest dialogue between families and our guides to establish a collaborative approach. We value the expertise and perspective of parents and guardians, and actively seek their input to create a comprehensive plan for their child's journey with us. Moreover, we actively engage with our guides to ensure regular communication, allowing for ongoing feedback and updates on a child's progress. This feedback loop is essential to enable us to tailor our programs and provide the best possible experience for every participant.

  • Clearly communicating the outlined expectations to participants before the commencement of programming.

  • Engaging in open communication with Rainwalk Rewild staff regarding participant-specific needs that might enhance their experience.

  • Reading and responding to email communication, seeking clarification, providing feedback, and engaging in open dialogue.

In instances where persistent behavior concerns arise despite interventions and discussions, including with parents or caregivers, Rainwalk Rewild reserves the right to remove a participant from programming. Refunds in such cases will be considered based on the situation but are not guaranteed.

Behavior that will result in immediate removal without refund includes violence towards staff or participants, repeated aggression not resolved through intervention, and running away or hiding, excluding designated activities.

Visit our Policies page to learn more about our refund and cancellation policies.

Knife Safety For Kids

At Rainwalk Rewild, we view knife carving as an essential wilderness skill that connects us to our ancestral roots and fosters self-reliance. But safety is paramount. That’s why we require all our young adventurers to earn their knife safety certifications before they can start whittling away. Our comprehensive training program ensures students understand and respect the tools they use, teaching them essential skills like proper handling, cutting techniques, and maintenance.

Take a moment to read our blog post about our Knife Safety Policy and Training Procedures. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns in regard to knife safety, please Contact Us.